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Greece Multiplies Initiatives Against Closing Public Television

viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

14 de junio de 2013, 16:06Athens, Jun 14 (Prensa Latina) Efforts to end the suspension of the public radio and television broadcaster of Greece (ERT) multiplied during the last hours in the capital, although the executive insists that the closure is definitive.

The breakthrough decision ignored not only the opinion of ERTâ�Ös two partners, but also the President, Karolos Papoulias, who considered that ERT can be “restructured while it is still operating” and this should be done as soon as possible.

At the same time, the president of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Jean-Paul Phillips, came to Athens to deliver the government a letter signed by 51 leaders of European public media which demanded the return of workers and ERT emissions.

Phillips described the measure as undemocratic and unprofessional and said the executive underestimates the existence of public service broadcasting in Greece and its independence from the government.

After the meeting between the EBU President and the Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Sturnaras, the decision taken by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras was clear. Samaras intends to reopen the chain as soon as possible, but this can not be done immediately, Sturnarás explained.

The President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, also expressed his concern about the injunction against the ERT and described this as a threat to the right of Europeans to media freedom and pluralism.




viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

14 de junio de 2013, 16:06Athens, Jun 14 (Prensa Latina) Efforts to end the suspension of the public radio and television broadcaster of Greece (ERT) multiplied during the last hours in the capital, although the executive insists that the closure is definitive.

The breakthrough decision ignored not only the opinion of ERTâ�Ös two partners, but also the President, Karolos Papoulias, who considered that ERT can be “restructured while it is still operating” and this should be done as soon as possible.

At the same time, the president of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Jean-Paul Phillips, came to Athens to deliver the government a letter signed by 51 leaders of European public media which demanded the return of workers and ERT emissions.

Phillips described the measure as undemocratic and unprofessional and said the executive underestimates the existence of public service broadcasting in Greece and its independence from the government.

After the meeting between the EBU President and the Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Sturnaras, the decision taken by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras was clear. Samaras intends to reopen the chain as soon as possible, but this can not be done immediately, Sturnarás explained.

The President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, also expressed his concern about the injunction against the ERT and described this as a threat to the right of Europeans to media freedom and pluralism.


Original post:
Greece Multiplies Initiatives Against Closing Public Television

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Cuba confronté à une grave crise économique

Cuba avait déjà connu une période similaire dans les années 90 pendant la “période spéciale” lorsque le PIB avait subitement chuté de plus de 30% suite à l’effondrement de l’Union soviétique.



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Cuba : l'île communiste accepte la propriété privée et l'économie de marché

Elle a été approuvée par plus de 86% des voix. Les Cubains ont adopté une nouvelle Constitution par référendum pour y inscrire l’ouverture du pays à l’économie de marché. Cuba est un des derniers pays communistes du monde, mais il reconnaît désormais le marché, la propriété privée et la nécessité des investissements étrangers dans sa Constitution, qui rappelle aussi le caractère irrévocable du socialisme.

L’Église défavorable

Un vote en apparence démocratique dans un pays qui ne l’est pas totalement. La nouvelle Constitution réaffirme le rôle unique du Parti communiste. Son premier secrétaire Raul Castro s’est rendu aux urnes, comme l’actuel chef de l’État Miguel Diaz Canel qui voit dans son vote une réaffirmation de la puissance cubaine face aux Américains et aux Européens. Le nouveau texte de la Constitution était contesté par certains Cubains sur les réseaux sociaux et par l’Église catholique.

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