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USA Might Cut off Financial Aid to Egypt in Case of Coup

martes, 02 de julio de 2013

02 de julio de 2013, 18:10Washington, July 2 (Prensa Latina) The US government notified the Egyptian Armed Forces that it will cut off financial assistance to Egypt if they stage a coup against President Mohamed Morsi, who refuses to resign despite angry peopleâ�Ös protests.

White House officials told the CNN that Egypt will stop getting some $1.50 billion USD yearly in case a coup is staged.

Washington issued the warning because the Egyptian army gave a 48-hour ultimatum to Morsi and opposition political forces to pay attention to the peopleâ�Ös demands and mend their fences.

The military made the call in the wake of a week of violent clashes between the presidentsâ�Ö opponents and followers, resulting in 16 deaths and at least 700 wounded in northern cities and Beni Suef, in the south.

They said that if no agreement is reached, they will present their own “road map” for the countryâ�Ös political future, with the involvement of all sectors of society, mainly the youth, though they made clear that a coup is against their doctrine.

But Morsi said he would remain in his post, though eight members of his Cabinet resigned last week.

The United States warned US citizens last week against travelling to Syria on the grounds of “political and social instability” and deployed 400 troops in the Israeli border under the argument to keep security and face eventual violent protests in the Sinai Peninsula.




martes, 02 de julio de 2013

02 de julio de 2013, 18:10Washington, July 2 (Prensa Latina) The US government notified the Egyptian Armed Forces that it will cut off financial assistance to Egypt if they stage a coup against President Mohamed Morsi, who refuses to resign despite angry peopleâ�Ös protests.

White House officials told the CNN that Egypt will stop getting some $1.50 billion USD yearly in case a coup is staged.

Washington issued the warning because the Egyptian army gave a 48-hour ultimatum to Morsi and opposition political forces to pay attention to the peopleâ�Ös demands and mend their fences.

The military made the call in the wake of a week of violent clashes between the presidentsâ�Ö opponents and followers, resulting in 16 deaths and at least 700 wounded in northern cities and Beni Suef, in the south.

They said that if no agreement is reached, they will present their own “road map” for the countryâ�Ös political future, with the involvement of all sectors of society, mainly the youth, though they made clear that a coup is against their doctrine.

But Morsi said he would remain in his post, though eight members of his Cabinet resigned last week.

The United States warned US citizens last week against travelling to Syria on the grounds of “political and social instability” and deployed 400 troops in the Israeli border under the argument to keep security and face eventual violent protests in the Sinai Peninsula.


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USA Might Cut off Financial Aid to Egypt in Case of Coup

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Cuba confronté à une grave crise économique

Cuba avait déjà connu une période similaire dans les années 90 pendant la “période spéciale” lorsque le PIB avait subitement chuté de plus de 30% suite à l’effondrement de l’Union soviétique.



À La Havane, à Cuba, la crise économique est présente partout. Les habitants se pressent devant les commerces, ce qui provoque d’innombrables files d’attente. La mission quotidienne de chaque Cubain est de trouver de quoi se nourrir.

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Manifestations à Cuba : "Les gens manquent de tout, la situation économique et sociale est absolument horrible", estime une spécialiste

Des milliers de Cubains ont manifesté dans la rue dimanche pour protester contre le gouvernement et sa gestion de la crise économique.


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Cuba : l'île communiste accepte la propriété privée et l'économie de marché



Cuba : l'île communiste accepte la propriété privée et l'économie de marché

Elle a été approuvée par plus de 86% des voix. Les Cubains ont adopté une nouvelle Constitution par référendum pour y inscrire l’ouverture du pays à l’économie de marché. Cuba est un des derniers pays communistes du monde, mais il reconnaît désormais le marché, la propriété privée et la nécessité des investissements étrangers dans sa Constitution, qui rappelle aussi le caractère irrévocable du socialisme.

L’Église défavorable

Un vote en apparence démocratique dans un pays qui ne l’est pas totalement. La nouvelle Constitution réaffirme le rôle unique du Parti communiste. Son premier secrétaire Raul Castro s’est rendu aux urnes, comme l’actuel chef de l’État Miguel Diaz Canel qui voit dans son vote une réaffirmation de la puissance cubaine face aux Américains et aux Européens. Le nouveau texte de la Constitution était contesté par certains Cubains sur les réseaux sociaux et par l’Église catholique.

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